You would have noticed I haven't posted in quite some time. I have been on a new inner journey this past year, which is taking me a while to adjust. You see, I lost my beautiful mum in the summer of 2022. Her health had been declining for some time, which was soul-destroying to watch. This funny, feisty, beautiful lady who owned a heart of gold's 3D body was failing her. It would only be a matter of time before she would be returning to her heavenly home to be free from pain and at peace once more, and she did, leaving a huge hole in our lives.
With the grace of God and my incredible spirit team, I now feel this is the right time to continue what I started. I know many of you enjoyed the blogs, learning about crystals, particularly the pick a card; those shall all continue, as well as some new ideas and giveaways each month.

I know I am not the only one to lose someone close to me; however, what I do know is that it is OK to feel lost, to feel unmotivated, not to want to get up in the mornings, to want to stay in your PJ's, grab a blanket and stay on the sofa all day, to cry, cry as you've never cried before, to turn your phone off and never have to talk to anyone again, to distance yourselves from people, family, friends.
Our lives, what we once knew, have changed forever when we lose a loved one. We have now changed, and we need to give ourselves as long as we need to process this and accept our new journey. It doesn't feel like it at the time, but we are stronger than we look. We have been gifted the strength to continue until we finally reach the end of our earthly path. They say we have all chosen our life stories before we reincarnate on earth, and each challenge, setback, and loss has been chosen to help us learn and grow in the hope of truly understanding who we are and why we are here. No matter how bonkers that sounds, I believe it to be true.
If you are feeling at a loss, know this will one day eventually pass. That grey cloud will begin to allow small amounts of sunlight through. Take some time out to heal. When you feel ready to look into meditations, chakra cleansing, and letting our angels in to help guide and advise us. We all have them; we need to call on them, and they will gently release us from our bubble and guide us back into the light.
It has taken a while, and I still have some way to go, but I look forward to continuing this lovely hobby. I have no idea where it will lead me, but I know I have gained an extra member to my spirit team, my beautiful mum, who will continue to guide and advise me from her new home.
Sending love, strength, and Angel blessings your way.
For those who may need it:
When Someone Has Gone
When someone has gone
you can bring them back
for just a little while
by talking them into life
by painting a picture
with your memories and your words
breathing their essence
back into existence
for just a few moments.
When someone has gone
you can see them again
for a minute or two
by being all the things they once were
by allowing their best traits
to filter through you
shaping your words
your thoughts and your deeds
back out into this world.
When someone has gone
you can feel them again
for just a moment
by playing their music
and singing their favourite songs
by giving yourself up to the notes
that brought them alive once upon a time
they will again.
When someone has gone
you can keep a part of them alive
by giving the love you had for them
a forever place in your life
a forever seat at your table
and a glorious chapter in your book.
Stories never die
tell them all.
I wish I knew
Donna Ashworth