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Blue Tit - Spiritual Meaning

ancient enigma

Updated: Feb 23, 2024

One of my favourite birds. The Blue Tit is such a lovely little bird to look at. It may be one of the smallest birds; however, life's smaller things are usually the most beautiful.

This adorable little bird represents life's most important traits: love, loyalty, and trust—a homely bird, never one to fly too far away from their nest or setting. A good omen to sailors, as seeing a blue tit at sea would mean land was near. It is also believed that the blue tit would carry the spirit of sailors lost at sea to their new home in heaven.

As romantic birds go, you will find the blue tit under this category. When the male is ready for love, he will build his nest from mud. When complete, he will sit in his nest and sing sweetly until a female hears and joins him. The blue tit will have only one mate throughout their life, which is why they represent love, loyalty, and trust.

It is also believed a man with a blue tit tattooed on his body can expect to be reunited with his soulmate during this lifetime. Can this bird get any cuter?

If you are fortunate to see a blue tit, they have appeared to bring the message of joy, either the arrival of a brighter future, or to let us know love is on its way. Another message is to appreciate what we have been blessed with. It may not seem a lot compared to others, but when we look deep enough, we will see the blessings we have received are the ones destined for us. Remember, life doesn't always have to represent extravagance and big things; note how tiny the blue tit is. He doesn't need to be powerful like the larger birds in the sky; his little soul is content with what he has been blessed with, having all he needs in his nest.

Sending love and light



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