Hematite, also spelt haematite, is a heavy and relatively hard oxide mineral that constitutes the most important iron ore because of its high iron content (70 per cent). A fascinating crystal that was derived from the Greek word for blood. Although hematite is viewed as black/grey, its secretive reddish colouring can be noticed when cut into thin slices.
Ancient Babylonian warriors carried hematite to increase strength and overcome their enemies. Most importantly, they would carry this precious stone, hoping it would prevent them from bleeding to death if they were injured during a battle.
Ancient civilizations were extremely clever. They broke hematite down into a powdered pigment that many artists used over time, used by prehistoric people for cave paintings; Egyptians would use this to decorate the tombs of Pharaohs, and Native Americans used this as war paint.
Large deposits of hematite are found in the banded iron formations. Grey hematite is typically found in places with still, standing water or mineral hot springs, such as Yellowstone National Park, North America.
It's not just here on Earth where hematite can be found. The spectral signature of hematite was seen on Mars by infrared spectrometers on the NASA Surveyor and in the 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft while orbiting Mars. The mineral was found in abundance on two particular sites.
Hematite is known as a gentle stone, strengthening our connection with Earth and allowing us to feel more grounded and protected. It is a stone that can bring strength, love, and courage to those who use it—an excellent stone for increasing one's memory, particularly those working with numbers.
Hematite is believed to strengthen, restore, and regulate the blood, helping issues within the body such as anaemia. By stimulating red blood cells within the body, hematite can support the kidneys, regenerate tissues, and improve poor circulation.
It is a lovely stone to work with.
Love & Light