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Larimar, The Stone of Atlantis

ancient enigma

Updated: Apr 21, 2024

Larimar is probably the most beautiful crystal ever to exist. It was discovered by Father Miguel Domingo Fuertess Loren around 1916 in the Dominican Republic. Delighted with his extraordinary find, Father Miguel requested to explore this magnificent stone further but was sadly rejected by local authorities, resulting in Larimar being forgotten once more.

Fast forward to 1974, when two gentlemen, Miguel Mendez, a Dominican artisan and volunteer geologist Norman Riling, rediscovered the exquisite stone pieces on a beach on the coast of Barahona. Delighted locals named the find the 'blue stone'. However, Miguel had another idea. Combining his beloved daughter's name, Larissa, with the Spanish name for sea (Mar), he formed the rather enchanting name Larimar. A further search of the blue stone was discovered upstream, where mining for Larimar remains today. As of date, this is the only known location for this stone.

Larimar is known as the stone of Atlantis due to the exceptional clairvoyant Edgar Cayce. During one of his readings, Edgar foretold that a blue gemstone with incredible healing properties would be discovered in the Caribbean Sea. Although some believe the blue stone Edgar visualised to be Lapis Lazuli, the findings and location of the two are very different.

Larimar has a beautiful duck egg blue colouring with tiny white veins and turquoise and sky blue remnants resembling that of a turtle's back and rippling Caribbean ocean. One glance at this stunning stone will have us believing its links to Atlantis are true. We may find ourselves gazing into the hypnotic colouring and being transported to a Caribbean Island, or have an overwhelming feeling of looking deeper into the origins of Atlantis or our Akashic records.

Due to Larimar being one of the rarest minerals on the planet and considered an actual piece of Atlantis, its price tag is much higher than other crystals. When purchasing a piece of Larimar, please do so through a reputable retailer as, unfortunately, with most crystals, there are many fakes on the market.

Larimar is a beautiful stone to work with if one feels a little lost or overwhelmed in the world. Known for its soft, patient, and gentle energy, Larimar can help bring peace and serenity back into one's life. This crystal of wisdom and truth will have us looking deep within and transporting us on a captivating inner spiritual journey to find ourselves. The materialistic things we thought necessary replaced with a deep gratitude for the minor things many of us take for granted.

Click the link below to see the Larimar Mines.

Love & Light




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