I had the pleasure of stumbling across the name Lemuria in a book I was reading some time ago. Having never heard of it, I was intrigued to learn more about this beautiful island. I was hooked from the start, and you wouldn't believe the journey I have been on since. The information on Lemuria is somewhat overwhelming; do not let that put you off. Lemuria is genuinely one of the most beautiful places to have ever existed here on Earth, a place that we hope will return one day.
Many of us have heard of the lost city of Atlantis, located in the Atlantic Ocean between
North America & Africa, but what about the lost continent of Lemuria? The enchanting name Lemuria sounds like it belongs in a magical, mysterious, and fictional Harry Potter book, but according to researchers, Lemuria was indeed a real place. Located in the Pacific Ocean around 70,000 years ago.
Lemuria can be found in records dating back to Ancient Egypt. The Egyptian name for Lemuria was 'The Field of Reeds,' The Ancient Greeks named it 'Elysian Fields', And Tibetan texts remember it as 'Ra-Mu,' Inscriptions on American continents refer to it as 'The lost Motherland of Mu' as well as writings on stone describing it as the land of considerable size, once placed above the surface in the Pacific Ocean.

So, what was Lemuria? Well, according to many, Lemuria was heaven on Earth. A glorious place we could only dream about today. Blessed by the creation of God and nurtured by Mother Earth, Lemuria was picturesque and simply captivating with its breathtaking views, lush vegetation, sparkling crystals, clear rivers, blooming meadows, flourishing rainforests, and glorious beings full of love, light, peace, harmony, and equality.
You may think this all sounds familiar, and you would be right. According to some, this majestic continent may have been where it all began: The Garden Of Eden.
In 1870, biologist Ernst Haecker suggested that Lemuria could be humanity's ancestral home, and many more scientists believed in this theory.
Life on Lemuria sounds idyllic. Lemurians, as they were known, were gentle beings who appreciated their surroundings, soul families, and tribes. The original Sharmen and healers of their time, working with and guided by spiritual energies. They were working telepathically with one another and advancing on levels way beyond anything known today.
Great believers in crystals, Lemurians are said to have worked very closely with Quartz Crystals. They cleverly stored their knowledge and wisdom within the crystals and buried them in various places worldwide to be found, and the knowledge stored within to be released and reused when the Earth and its people require help.
Sadly, the continent of Lemuria didn't last. A catastrophic eruption of the volcano Toba was to destroy the beautiful motherland. The eruption of Toba has been documented as being the largest volcanic eruption on Earth in the last 2 million years, so powerful that some believe it to have caused the Earth's tilt, whilst other theories believe the volcanic eruption caused a tsunami that may well have been what we know today in the Bible as
' The Great Flood ' submerged these lands with the rising seas.
Most Lemurians survived because of their telepathic skills and their sensing that something awful was to happen. Some moved away to parts of Asia to carry on sharing their knowledge and wisdom around the world; however, the most talked-about stories of the remaining Lemurians lead us to the sacred Mount Shasta, California.

Beneath Mount Shasta lay a network of tunnels where the Lemurians continue to work together with the love, peace, harmony, and equality they are so used to. Many flock to this sacred land to hope for spiritual healing and guidance or to gain spiritual knowledge from these beautiful beings. Some are not only lucky enough to visit Mount Shasta but are incredibly blessed to visually see Lemurians walking around, describing them as gentle, tall (around 7ft), slender beings with long blonde hair and blue eyes. These are genuinely fascinating stories found in various books and online sites.
I could go on and on about the information I have come across on this topic. However, I will pass the baton to you to delve as deep as your soul allows.
The enchanting motherland known as Lemuria may be a continent no more, but for many of us, the Lemurian race will live on deep within our hearts and souls for lifetimes.
Love & Light