If you are new to crystals, Rose Quartz is a lovely, gentle crystal to start with.
You can't help but be drawn to this beautiful crystal with its exquisite natural colouring.
Rose Quartz is linked to the heart chakra and represents unconditional love, not just with family, friends, or romantic partners, but the unconditional love so many of us forget to show ourselves.

We have all come to earth to learn valuable lessons, mainly through experiences. Many will be through relationships with our parents, siblings, other family members, friends, work colleagues, neighbours, or romance. All of these people will enter our lives for a reason. Some will bring incredible benefits to our lives, and others will sadly bring hardships and pain through actions or loss.
Working alongside the heart chakra, Rose Quartz helps us identify issues regarding the heart. It can give us that little ray of hope in times of need by balancing the emotions within oneself. Cleansing all negative issues that may be stored over time and encouraging us to heal them so we can set ourselves free and enjoy life to its full potential.
Unconditional love is so essential for our spiritual growth. So many people are excellent at showing this to others but sadly often forget themselves. If this is you, you may find working with Rose Quartz beneficial. Also, meditating daily, taking walks through nature in a small park, in a grassed area, or simply sitting next to a tree can all benefit. This will help you feel grounded whilst connecting yourself to
Mother Earth for a bit of nurturing.
You may consider a good deed every day, once a week or once a month, benefiting yourself and others too. It doesn't have to cost much or anything. You could promise to drink more water, eat healthier or take a relaxing salt bath. For others, a little smile to someone who looks lonely, helping someone you see struggling with their shopping or a pram or checking in on your elderly neighbour are all classed as acts of love and may even create that domino effect. Now, that really would make your heart smile, wouldn't it?

We all deserve to be loved. We all deserve to be happy, not just on the outside but, of course, on the inside too. Unconditional love is the kindest gift you can give to yourself and others, so why not start now? Pick up your Rose Quartz and gently ask your Angels for guidance and support during this next step of your life. Removing such blockages from the heart area will create so many new opportunities that you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner.
More Benefits of Rose Quartz
Preventing the build-up of anxiety.
Encourages forgiveness.
Helps childhood experiences and emotions.
Encourages creativity, particularly in writing, art, and music.
Complexion and youthful appearance.
Anything linked to the heart, including improving circulation.
General aches.
Linked to Kidneys and Spleen.
Love & Light