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Sacral Chakra

Ancient Enigma

Updated: Feb 24, 2024

Continuing from the root chakra blog, below are tips and advice to help us work, heal or unblock our sacral chakra.

The sacral chakra is the second chakra, located just below the naval / lower abdomen and linked to the colour orange. This chakra is associated with relationships, guilt, fears such as death and change, love, sexuality, money, joy, and creativity.

The sacral chakra is linked to the lower abdomen, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, urinary and reproductive systems. If this chakra becomes blocked or unbalanced, we may experience health issues within these areas, not only health issues but also issues within certain relationships, finding it hard to receive or express love to others and ourselves. A noticeable lack of creativity or financial struggles may also be signs.

The element of water also represents the sacral chakra. Water represents flow, movement, cleansing and, more importantly, life. When our sacral chakra is balanced, it radiates positive energy and confidence within ourselves. Emotions become more balanced, relationships improve, and creative ideas flow with the possibility of new opportunities and abundance.

We will all experience emotional pain during our lifetime. Painful emotions not dealt with or released properly may end up being stored in one or more chakras in our body, which will, in time, threaten our chances of the happy and harmonious life we deserve.

Below are some excellent tips on how to work to help our sacral chakra recover.


Letting Go:

Pick up a pen and some paper and begin to release the negative beliefs, thoughts and memories that are being stored inside.

When you have finished, please do not read it back. Go outside with your paper, some matches and a fireproof bowl/bin, and light the paper. Every painful emotion will begin to crumble and turn to ash. This is a small but helpful way of starting the process of letting go.


Goddess Pose (see pose above): You can also put your hands together (as if praying) towards the centre of your chest. Take slow, deep breaths, and focus on your sacral chakra for 2-3 minutes.


Linked above is a video on YouTube about sacral chakra healing guided meditation. This one may not suit all; however, plenty are out there. Search until a more suitable one is found.


Orange foods include carrots, tangerines, mangoes, nectarines, sweet potato, orange peppers, apricots, melons, passion fruit, and pumpkin.

Other foods and spices: chicken, fish, cinnamon, ginger, pumpkin, poppy, sesame, sunflower seeds, banana, coconut, kiwi, pineapple.

Nuts: almonds, brazil, pine nuts, pistachio, cashews.


Water, herbal teas, hot water with a slice of ginger or cinnamon stick.


Carnelian, sunstone, goldstone

(you can also purchase a full chakra crystal box from the shop page)

Essential oils:

Sandalwood, sweet orange, ylang, ylang

Chakra Oracle Card by Nikki Gresham-Record



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